Get to Know the Team (Chels)

We recently welcomed Chelsea, our new SEO Executive. To get to know her a little better, we got her to answer some very inquisitive questions…

  • I always have a bottle of water on the go. I’m not big on hot drinks, so I’m partial to an occasional lunchtime Diet Coke too.

  • I’m big on PC gaming - I even have my own little setup! I also love spending time with friends! All of them are scattered around the country so I often spend my weekends on trains.

  • The team, obviously! I was thrown into a mooch social within my first week which helped with feeling at home here.

  • Judith Butler! I’ve read all of their works to date, and their research shaped me into the person I am today.

  • It has to be Oslo, Norway. I went in early spring so it was still cold and snowy. It was so beautiful.

  • SEO strategy and reports! Seeing all the data is so satisfying.

  • I injured my right pinky finger when I was in middle school and now it sticks out funny. I can’t bend it either!

  • I’m one of those people who likes a wide mix of genres. From 00’s R&B to Kpop to Screamo to Lady Gaga, no car journey is the same for me!

  • Both! I have the cutest Cavachon called Alfie, but I always give the cats in my village a fuss.

Behind the Scenesmooch